Sunday, July 16, 2006

let's toast the night away to friends and forget about tomorrow

Inside this week's edition:

O! highs and lows.
A change of routine,
A big decision on the horizon;
Friends and other joys of our world.

My brain is a mystery to me. My brain and my heart. I never cease to be amazed by my ability to go from the happiest to the most desperate of moods with such haste. Tuesday night, in particular, was weird. Maybe it's something I'll always have to deal with.

No band practice this week. It was weird. Kain and I worked on some new stuff, though. I'm pretty psyched to get out to Ed's and get back to work on the four-or-so new songs we have to get done.

I have to decide pretty soon if I'm staying in Bunbury next year or not. I hate decisions. I'm not a strong enough person to make decisions like this. Uni or band? Both? How would that work? I can't answer any of them.

I had a great week/end. I saw so many amazing people. Jacobi is one of my favourite people ever. Ebony is love. The boys (Kain, Kyle, etc) never cease to astound me. Keira is my big sister. Raich gives excellent hugs. Cerah is my newest friend. Nath is like family. I could go on forever - please take your absence from this list as a sign of my inadequacy, not yours.

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