Tuesday, April 29, 2008

there is a choice to make

The world is irreducibly complex.

Post-modernism didn't go far enough in rejecting the meta-narrative. Much of our view of the world is based on meta-narrative fallacy leading to utterly useless prescriptive generalisations.

For example;
We are sometimes implored to reduce our 'food miles'; that is, the distance our food has to travel to get to us. The reasoning is simple - we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by not transporting food further than is necessary. However it is often the case that growing tomatoes out-of-season costs more (in carbon emissions) than shipping them from a country in which they are in season.

Ergo, moral prescriptions like 'eat locally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions' are based on a view of the world which is so simplistic as to be absurd. If one wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the only moral principle they can derive for such a purpose is 'eat foods which have had the least greenhouse gas emissions used in the production and transport'. Irreducible complexity, by definition, defies simplification.

The world of painstakingly constructed (and, ironically, ever more complex) meta-narrative fallacies super-imposed over the reality of human existence is the biggest obstacle to the project of truly understanding and embracing the absolute absurdity of life.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

fuck outta hea

Today i don't feel very good. It seems like there are a lot of people out there for whom life is much easier than it is for me.

Monday, April 7, 2008

this is my life and i want it back

This weekend was actually quite good.

Friday night I chilled with Zoe, ate some food at Lotus and watched some DVDs at home. It was a pretty good relaxing day.

Saturday I worked which was pretty boring, then drove (or rather, was driven) down to Funbury for the Her Nightmare show at the Prince. I got to show Will a little of my hometown, and although I don't think he was that impressed it was nice for me to be back. We went to check out the Table and sure enough the Sawyers and a few of my old crew were drinking and hanging out down there already, the playlist was Slayer and Municipal Waste so it was pretty thrash. Dickson was climbing as usual and Pope also as usual.
At around 830 we bailed on the Table and headed to the Prince to catch Vengeance. I got into the zone and although I messed up pretty bad going for a mic share that wasn't there, I had a good time. Break Even played well but there's still something about that band that doesn't quite work for me, but everyone seemed to appreciate them as usual. Her Nightmare had some technical difficulties but once they got started they were pretty heavy. There's nothing flashy about HN, just heavy riffs and angry lyrics. Security were being jerks but aside from that it was a good show.
We drove straight back and arrived at Will's around 2 and I then sat in my car and listened to the entire new Blacklisted album before driving home for a sleep. The album is really good, although not what I expected and as such it's taking a few plays to get used to.

Today we played at HQ. I missed Strong Finish's set which was a bummer because their new recordings sound pretty good and I wanted to see if they could back it up live. We were up next and although the sound wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be, I had a good time. I borrowed Trav's wireless which made for some fun times, like doing side-to-sides and two-stepping while playing Hold Your Ground. I also did a stage-dive with the guitar which I highly recommend.
After that I had my face melted by Gallows For Grace, ate some pretty average subway (all the sauce was at the top of the sub. What the fuck subway guy?), saw Her Nightmare again and came home for pizza and DVDs with Zoe.

All in all, not a bad weekend.
How was yours?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

waves crashing

Formal logic breaks my brain sometimes.

I'm going to drop two of my classes and just go to uni part-time this semester. Work + bands + studying is getting to be way too much for me. I'm also going to see the doctor and get some blood tests to rule out any physiological causes for my tiredness and bad moods. So we'll see.

Monday, March 31, 2008

short fuse

Tonight I can't sleep so I'm listening to recorded lectures and trying to catch up a little on uni stuff. I'm still way behind though. This sucks because tomorrow I have heaps of shit to do and I'm going to be either really tired or worse (and more likely) sleep through half of it and get further behind.

I'm really hungry and I want to eat some raisin toast. Pretty sure I'm pulling an all-nighter now.

Bec graduates tonight. Wonder if I'll ever graduate.

I keep seeing threadless shirts everywhere this week. Some of them are pretty rad. Also, I still really like fullbleed. And I want that Donnybrook longsleeve pretty bad.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

life's ill life might kill

All of the problems in my life right now boil down to me consistently making bad decisions. Saying it is easy, but here's to the more difficult challenge of fixing them.

Word of the week: Fresh: as in, the new Donnybrook longsleeve is fresh.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i've put my life on a shelf

Today I'm cleaning up my house. I have too many shirts I don't like. I think soon I'm going to throw out/give away a lot of my stuff. I have this habit of keeping things just in case they come in handy someday. So I end up with lots of useless crap.

Trail bars for breakfast. Work tonight, school tomorrow. I always want what I haven't got.